Friday, August 9, 2013

How to download a video from Youtube, Daily Motion, Vimeo, etc.

Earlier I made a post about "How to make a reaction video". Well a common question I keep getting is "How do I download the music video to put into the reaction?" When I made that last post, I assumed the person already knew how to download the mv so I didn't state it there. Well here I'll help you out now.

Download YOUTUBE Videos

1st. There's several ways to download YT videos. It's actually the easiest to download. HOWEVER most sites come with a risk of you also downloading a virus, which is no bueneo. I noticed most people use which is OK but I only use that site in case the program I use isn't working for some weird reason. also downloads DAILY MOTION and VIMEO videos, so I use it only then too ^^

You download the program to your computer and u never have to worry about viruses or trying to remember a site name, because it will be an icon on ur homescreen.Once you get the hang of it IT'S THE EASIEST to work with!

1. Here's the site:
I use a Windows 7 laptop so the below instructions are for that. I dont know if Mac or other systems like Windows 8, XP are any different, but I dont think it would be (if it is, it's not too much a difference I think). ALSO I am using FIREFOX. so the instructions might go a little differently depending on ur browser.

(make sure you click the actual folder symbol)

Just keep clicking next & I accept UNTIL YOU GET TO THIS PAGE.
It will be on "Exress Install" DO NOT DOWNLOAD THAT.
Trust me, you don't want all that extra shit on your computer. That also invites viruses sometimes too.

You don't need or want Frost Wire so click "CUSTOM INSTALLATION" and UN-CHECK THE BOX!

and then keep clicking next or whatever AND YOU'RE DONE DOWNLOADING THE PROGRAM.



(ignore my backgrounds haha)

1. Go to your homescreen and click Youtube Downloader HD

2. This will pop-up. It's small ^^

3. Go to the video you wish to download on ur internet.

4. COPY the address/link!

4. Go back to your downloader and PASTE it in the Video URL  space.

5. Here's where things get a little tricky. MOST music videos are in HD either 1080 or 720 HD. Some are not.
Go back to ur video, click the settings button and see what the highest quality available is.
(Even if you have a slow connection and can't watch videos in 1080HD thats okay right now because you're not trying to watch the music video. You want to download it in the highest quality possible.)

6. Once you know that info, go BACK to your downloader and  change your video quality.
IF it is 1080 or 720 HD this is ALL you need to do!

6.1 IF the video you're trying to download is NOT in HD, click the highest quality available then-

 6.2 -then click the box so a check appears for it to be converted from FLV to AVI.
 (The video I'm demonstrating with is 1080HD so I'mma continue using 1080 HD)

7. THIS is something you ONLY need to do ONCE! :D (It will remain set like this forever unless you change it again ^^)
Idk about you, but I download SOOOOOOOO many videos I like to keep things a bit more organized, so this helps the organization part.

7.1  Make a new folder in your video folder. Title it whatever you want. I have it as "Videos" but you can put it as "Music Videos" or whatever you want. 
 7.2 Once you've made that folder go back to ur downloader and click BROWSE on the "Save To" section.

7.3 Scroll down and open "my videos" and then click the folder you just made. (In my case "Videos")

 it should then look like this on the "Save To" space.

 (if you accidently put the wrong video quality - like say you put 1080HD but the video is only available in 720HD a pop up will come up and just click "Ok" or whatever it says ^^.)
(SOMETIMES this downloader goes wonky and no matter WHAT quality you put it in, it wont download... if that happens just use . This only happens rarely.)

9. THIS will pop up when you're done.

10. go to your video folder and find the video! :D
THIS downloader is even MORE awesome than Keepvid or other youtube downloaders because IT READS and keeps titles in KOREAN, JAPANESE, THAI etc.!! (others may turn these languages into Alien ada@%$%^%^$&^% symbols you know what I mean?)

I'm updating this NOW with KEEPVID.COM instructions so you can download videos from Daily Motion and Vimeo ^^

HOW TO DOWNLOAD VIDEOS FROM KEEPVID.COM is a very good site as it downloads Youtube, Daily Motion, Vimeo, and Facebook (I think it works for other sites like and stuff like that... but I'm not too sure.)
Downloads work differently for each site you use. Soooo just follow the intructions that pop up and go from there! I'll make a more detailed tutorial at a later date if someone needs help.

If you need more help or clarification on anything feel free to ask me on Twitter at @kimmikki13 . I hope this helps!! :D

Thursday, June 20, 2013

How To Make A Reaction Video

So someone asked me how to make a reaction video: I'll add more details later (since I already gave it to her) and yea

This is using VIDEOPAD. It's FREE- go here to download the program:

After a few days it may say "your free-trial version has ended" or some bullshit like that. DON'T WORRY. Simply go [CONTROL PANEL]-[UNINSTALL A PROGRAM]-[VIDEOPAD]-and then [DOWNGRADE TO FREE VERSION]. It shouldn't tell you this again after you do this, but if it does just repeat these steps.

I've gotten several people tell me that their Video Pad looks like this:

Apparently this is Version 3.14 (it says on the bottom left) where as my tutorial is for Version 2.41

So far no one has been able to find the "overlay" option shown in my tutorial and since I don't have this version I can't really help. (and i'm too scared to update incase I can't go back to my current version.) 
& I don't know if there's a way to download the earlier version. 

If you find out how to add on "overlay" with this version, could you please send me a tweet at @kimmikki13 so I can update this tutorial? Please and thanks. ^^

UPDATE: (131029) Someone found a way to do overlay with the new version! I don't have the new version to make a tutorial, but here's what she told me :)

Okay, now using this program here's how to make your reaction video.
[Note: I use my built-in webcam and webcam program to film my reactions.]

 STEP 1 Add the media: in this case 1.the mv you downloaded & 2.the reaction video you recorded
2. Drag your reaction down to the main video track bar
3. Listen and try to make note of where the sound of you clicking to begin the mv is. (this just helps more or less knowing WHERE the mv should go. be sure when you're getting ready to watch the mv that it's all the way at 0:00 so you dont go crazy trying to find the beginning haha)
6. Drag the mv to the overlay space bar section. Try to add it where you have the red bar. you may need to move it back and forth to match the sound (and some mvs are hella tricky to match up to the sound T^T)
7. next click the arrow to move the mv. i usually use the bottom left, but you can move it where ever you want ^^
8.To make the mv bigger or smaller simply move the bar back and forth till you find a size thats good for you
9. After you've made the adjustments you want and previewed it to make sure its all aligned and good click "SAVE MOVIE" and make sure it's saved at 1080HD ~ .AVI ~ and remember to rename ur reaction so it's not just called "untitled".  AND THEN YOU'RE DONE. WARNING: IT TAKES A BUTT LONG TIME TO "EXPORT" (which means save) SOO... BE PATIENT. It usually takes around 1-2 hours for it so save on my computer.